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Meta Robots


Stores > Configuration > ECWHIM SEO > General > Meta Robots

Configuring the Meta Robots Extension

Meta Robots by URL matching Determines the robots meta tag rules by the URL.
  • Meta Robots The combination of robots meta tag rules. Options: INDEX, FOLLOW / NOINDEX, FOLLOW / INDEX, NOFOLLOW / NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW
  • Paths The list of URL paths without store view code. The path value must not start with / and the value is case-sensitive. Learn more about URL matching based on path values.
Meta Robots by Full Action Name Determines the robots meta tag rules by the full action name.
  • Meta Robots The combination of robots meta tag rules. Options: INDEX, FOLLOW / NOINDEX, FOLLOW / INDEX, NOFOLLOW / NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW
  • Full Action Names Synonyms of the page type identifiers. Correspond to "full action names" of controller actions, for example, catalog_product_view.

URL matching based on path values

The following wildcards are supported for path values:

  • * designates 0 or more instances of any valid character.
  • & designates the end of the URL.
Example path matches
men Matches any path that starts with men. Note that the matching is case-sensitive.
• men
• men.html
• men/tops.html
• menu
• men.html?p=2
Doesn't match:
• Men
• women.html
• ?cat=men
• shoes/men.html
men* Equivalent to men. The trailing wildcard is ignored.
• men
• men.html
• men/tops.html
• menu
• men.html?p=2
Doesn't match:
• Men
• women.html
• ?cat=men
• shoes/men.html
men/ Matches anything in the men/ folder.
• men/
• men/tops.html
• men/?id=anything
Doesn't match:
• men
• men.html
• shoes/men/
• Men/tops.html
*.html Matches any path that contains .html.
• men.html
• women.html
• men/tops.html
• men/tops.html?p=2
Doesn't match:
• women.HTML
• about-us
*.html$ Matches any path that ends with .html.
• men.html
• men/tops.html
Doesn't match:
• men/tops.html?p=2
• men.html/
• men.html5
• women.HTML
men*.html Matches any path that contains men and .html, in that order.
• men.html
• menu/soda.html?parameters
Doesn't match:
• Men.HTML

Individual settings for entities


Open the product in edit mode and expand the Search Engine Optimization section.

Product settings added by the Meta Robots Extension

Meta Robots The robots meta tag lets you utilize a page-specific approach to controlling how an individual page should be indexed and served to users in search results. Options: Use Config / INDEX, FOLLOW / NOINDEX, FOLLOW / INDEX, NOFOLLOW / NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW


Open the category in edit mode and expand the Search Engine Optimization section.

Category settings added by the Meta Robots Extension

Meta Robots The robots meta tag lets you utilize a page-specific approach to controlling how an individual page should be indexed and served to users in search results. Options: Use Config / INDEX, FOLLOW / NOINDEX, FOLLOW / INDEX, NOFOLLOW / NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW

CMS Page

Open the CMS page in edit mode and expand the Search Engine Optimization section.

CMS Page settings added by the Meta Robots Extension

Meta Robots The robots meta tag lets you utilize a page-specific approach to controlling how an individual page should be indexed and served to users in search results. Options: Use Config / INDEX, FOLLOW / NOINDEX, FOLLOW / INDEX, NOFOLLOW / NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW