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SEO Templates

Manage Product Templates

Marketing > SEO Templates > Product Templates

Product Template grid

Create a new Product Template

Click Add Template to go to the template creation page.

New Product Template

Name The name of the template is for internal reference.
Active Determines if the template is currently active. Options: Yes / No
Scope Determines the scope within which the template will be applied. Options: Store View / Global
Store View Determines the store views where the template will be applied.
Type Determines the template type. The template type corresponds to the product attribute for which the template generates values. Options: Meta Title / Meta Keywords / Meta Description
Content The content of the template. The content consists of a combination of text, variables, and expressions.
Apply by Cron Determines whether to apply the template automatically on a schedule using cron. Options: Yes / No
Priority A number that indicates the priority of this template in relation to others of the same type. The highest priority is number 0.

In the Conditions tab, specify the conditions that must be met to determine the products to which the template applies. If left blank, the template applies to all products.

Product Template Conditions

Manage Category Templates

Marketing > SEO Templates > Category Templates

Category Template grid

Create a new Category Template

Click Add Template to go to the template creation page.

New Category Template

Name The name of the template is for internal reference.
Active Determines if the template is currently active. Options: Yes / No
Scope Determines the scope within which the template will be applied. Options: Store View / Global
Store View Determines the store views where the template will be applied.
Type Determines the template type. The template type corresponds to the category attribute for which the template generates values. Options: Meta Title / Meta Keywords / Meta Description
Content The content of the template. The content consists of a combination of text, variables, and expressions.
Apply by Cron Determines whether to apply the template automatically on a schedule using cron. Options: Yes / No
Priority A number that indicates the priority of this template in relation to others of the same type. The highest priority is number 0.
Apply to all Categories Determines whether to apply the template to all categories. Options: Yes / No
Categories Determines the categories for which the template applies.

CLI commands

  1. Log in to your Magento server as, or switch to, the file system owner.
  2. Navigate to your Magento project directory.

View a list of templates

To view a list of all Product Templates:

php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:seotemplates:product-template:list
To view a list of all Category Templates:
php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:seotemplates:category-template:list

Apply template(s)

Use this command to apply all or selected templates.

Command options for Product Templates:

php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:seotemplates:product-template:apply [template_id]
Command options for Category Templates:
php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:seotemplates:category-template:apply [template_id]
Where [template_id] is a space-separated list of template ids. Omit [template_id] to generate all templates.

Delete template(s)

Use this command to delete all or selected templates.

Command options for Product Templates:

php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:seotemplates:product-template:delete [template_id]
Command options for Category Templates:
php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:seotemplates:category-template:delete [template_id]
Where [template_id] is a space-separated list of template ids. Omit [template_id] to delete all templates.