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XML Sitemap

In addition to its settings, the Magento 2 XML Sitemap Extension also uses the basic Magento settings for the XML sitemap (Stores > Configuration > Catalog > XML Sitemap).


Stores > Configuration > ECWHIM SEO > Sitemap > XML Sitemap

Configuring the XML Sitemap Extension

Exclude "Out of Stock" Products Allows you to exclude from the sitemap information about the pages of products that are out of stock. Options: Yes / No
Source of Product Images Determines the source of product images for the sitemap. Options: Cache / Original
Add Product Videos Determines whether to include product videos in the sitemap. Options: Yes / No
Add Category Images Determines whether to include category images in the sitemap. Options: Yes / No

Configuring the Additional Links

Paths The list of URL paths without store view code.
Frequency Determines how often sitemap additional links are updated. Options: Always / Hourly / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly / Never
Priority A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that determines the priority of additional link sitemap updates in relation to other content. Zero (0.0) has the lowest priority.

Manage sitemaps

Marketing > SEO & Search > Sitemap (Ecwhim SEO)

Sitemap grid

Create a new sitemap

Click Add Sitemap to go to the sitemap creation page.

New sitemap

Filename The file name of the XML sitemap. For example: sitemap.xml
Path Determines where the sitemap file is to reside on the server. Make sure that the path is writeable. For example:
/ - Places the sitemap file at the base path.
/sitemap/ - Places the sitemap file in a directory called sitemap.
Store View The store view where the sitemap applies.
Type Determines the sitemap type. Options:
Default - Combines information about pages of all entity types in the sitemap.
Separated - Creates a separate sitemap for each selected entity type. The suffix corresponding to the entity type will be added to the file name. For example: sitemap_product.xml
Composite - Combines information about the pages of the selected entity types in the sitemap.
Entity Type Determines the types of entities whose page information should be added to the sitemap.

CLI commands

  1. Log in to your Magento server as, or switch to, the file system owner.
  2. Navigate to your Magento project directory.

View a list of sitemaps

To view a list of all sitemaps:

php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:xmlsitemap:list

Generate sitemap(s)

Use this command to generate all or selected sitemaps.

Command options:

php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:xmlsitemap:generate [sitemap_id]
Where [sitemap_id] is a space-separated list of sitemap ids. Omit [sitemap_id] to generate all sitemaps.

Delete sitemap(s)

Use this command to delete all or selected sitemaps.

Command options:

php bin/magento ecwhim-seo:xmlsitemap:delete [sitemap_id]
Where [sitemap_id] is a space-separated list of sitemap ids. Omit [sitemap_id] to delete all sitemaps.